Monday, June 1, 2009

Back in GA

Hey yall,

Well here I am in Atlanta, on a buisness trip to learn a new copier. This beast is a 100cpm (copy per minute) full color copier that can make 50 page books, staple sort, fold and generaly do whatever you need it to do. Cool copier and is currently at the bargan price of only 120k dollers. So That is what I am doing, tonight hanging at the hotel, had a good dinner and finaly have a chance to update this blog.

I went to Dalton GA this weekend and on the way down and had a chance to hang and chat with a heck of a lot of good friends. Got to Jam, go Bowling, fishing and had some great meals and some wonderfull times. I hope i get a chance soon to see all of you again. I will be crusing through on my way back to Lexington this weekend, but will not have much time to hang.

Once I return home the boys will be out of school, and will be starting there week of camp the next monday. I have one week of work, then a week of vacation. For my vacation I am going to be visiting Michigan for the first time in 3 years. Book the partys now. I will on that trip have my wife and kids with me. I will be at my folks a few days, at my wifes folks a few days, visiting Kalamazoo for a day or so and then down to Elkheart for a day or so. A lot of driving in a few weeks, but heck, I am nationwide. I am haveing a wonderfull time since my move to Lexington and things in most of my life are going just as I intended. Things are looking up for me and my family, and will continue to do so for the forseable future. Lots of love out there for yall. drop me a line and let me know what is going on in your life. the picture is of this copier I am learning, crazy stuff. Later days.