Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cub Scouts and other fun stuff

OK, Yesterday was monday, had to go out to Blue ridge GA up through ducktown (a quacking good place to live) and then back through cleveland. Attempted to make it to Athens TN but the highway turned into a parking lot and I never made it. had to turn around, go home and then went there today.

Last night was cub scouts night and we had the cubmaster show up for the first time in about a month or more. He delivers mail and is very tired on most mondays, so alot of times does not make it to scouts. when he is there he is very good. when not..... well he is not there so as a cubmaster he is totaly ineffective. haveing a debate with the wife about starting our own Pack, maybe.... but for now I just lead 11 boys in being wolf cubs. Most of the stuff they have to learn that I can teach them is done (need to work with some hand tools and build stuff.... a outside flag raising.... about it. So last night was just fun stuff. Played 3 games, "wheres the ball?" "rooster fight" and "blind man's treasure" and I had the whole pack, not just my den playing. it is a heck of a lot of fun.

The wife did not attend, she was on a cleaning spree and I am all about that. me and the boys had fun. I think she is worried about geting sucked into a position, she was pulled into doing a leadership roll as Webelos leader last year, and we need a tiger leader this year and she is not to hip on filling that roll. Cant blame her, alot of 1st graders and alot of planing goes into that program. it can be very trying and time consuming. so she decided to just not show up for a few months to see if another parent will stand up and do the job. So far no luck, and most of those scouts have quit. bummer, best way to get boys is hook em young, just ask the church. Anyway that is my installment for today. picture is of my boys, and Brett who is the the cubmasters son, at out fundraiser last month. post again when I can.

-Funkadelic Freek