My oldest got grounded today for telling lies to me and my wife. One week in his room. Pretty harsh for a 8 year old, but he needs to learn this lesson. Only 3 hours into the first of 5 nights and he is already asking to come out. I told him to listen to music, and read another book. He could also clean his room. What he did goes against all we have taught him so far, and especially against what he has learned as a scout. WOW, as i type this he has pulled down his American Indian bamboo flute and is trying to play it. he has not touched it since we bought it this summer. maybe he will learn something from this besides that he should not lie to his folks.
Last thing and then I will log off. Georgia had a election today for senator between Chablis(R) and Martin(D). the outcome could sway the senate from 59/39 Dem to republican, to the Filibuster proof majority of 60/40. I for one voted for Martin with the hopes that maybe if we give some power to the Dem's, they can get some real change passed. But after seeing who Obama had selected for most of his cabinet positions, I don't think it matters... looks like business as usual just like we have gotten from the Dem's for the last 20+ years since Carter. Corporate power under the Dem's is the same as corporate power under the republicans, only difference is the republicans invite them in the front door of the white house, and the Dem's sneak them in the back. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas time. I know mine is not what I planed, but will work out in the end.
16 years ago